
A Management App to be provided to pet carers

Flutter, Firestore, Stripe, Firebase Messaging, Cloud Functions, Firebase Storage, Providers, Firebase

  • A management app to be provided to pet carers.

  • Each business will have its own logo and slogan throughout the app.

  • Each business will have its own prices for its own listed custom services.

  • Each business will be allowed to charge different amounts for different services to different customers.

  • Send promo codes to specific customers.

  • A business will provide a subscription code to its customer which when entered will allow him to signup as that business’s customer.

  • Each business should be able to view, create, and update the details of any booking.

  • Each customer may have multiple pets. While selecting a service, the user will be allowed to select which pets will avail of the service.

  • Each business will have its own store listings where their customer will be able to buy items for their pets.

  • Chats with customers, profile updates, dynamic prices, and chart reports were also included.